Young Eagles Junior Ground School

 Young Eagles – Junior Ground School 

Reid-Hillview Airport 21 October 2023


Dean McCully 

Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) builder’s chapter 338. 

Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) chapter 62. 

South Bay Soaring Society (SBSS). 

Compassionate Mentorship.

Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) of Oshkosh, Wisconsin: Young Eagles (YE) nationwide program that takes students from 8-18 on a short flight to inspire them to get into aviation. 

Reid-Hillview Airport (RHV) a Santa Clara County facility. 

FPG Flying zone booth: 

Staffed by SBSS.

FPG-9 = Foam Plate Glider 9 inch plate.

The objective is for students to determine the best balance and trim for a good flight. 

A simple plane to assemble and make fly, but it’s an ABSOLUTE challenge to trim and weight shift for straight, long flights. The lesson being that flying this plate is the same as for any plane. 

Sailplane gallery: 

Staffed by SBSS. 

A showcase of many beautiful working RC model sailplanes. 

Some models will be suspended from the canopy roof, some will be on their own stands. 

Objective is to show how the control surfaces on a plane work. 

Student will get to wiggle (adjust) the control surfaces and understand how the pilot will be “steering” the plane during their flight. 

BIG sailplane: 

Staffed by SBSS. 

An impressive sailplane model with a 5 meter (fifteen foot !) wingspan mounted on its own stand. Too big to fit under a canopy. 

Objective will also be to show control surface operation, but mostly just used to knock the socks off people. 

SBSS booth: 

Staffed by SBSS. 

The objective is for students to understand how RC and servos work. 

Literature for SBSS and invitations to the Sunday Kennedy Middle School at Cupertino actual sailplane flying event. 

SBSS members and gliders in the booth.

Making and coloring FPG-9s (Foam Plate Gliders)

A 7 year old with an incredible understanding of how planes fly and are controlled.

SBSS members enjoying the opportunity to share our club with others