About SBSS
South Bay Soaring Society
Thank you for your interest in the exciting sport of radio controlled (RC) soaring and in the South Bay Soaring Society (SBSS). The SBSS is an active non profit corporation composed of many men, women, and youths living principally in the southern San Francisco Bay area. We are dedicated to furthering participation in the sport and hobby of Radio Controlled soaring through activities and programs teaching scientific principles related to our soaring activities and the skills necessary to create, maintain and fly radio controlled gliders. Mentoring youth through public and private programs, encouraging participation in a science based sporting environment, emphasizing fair play, and learning while having fun are the focus of our organization. While we welcome and encourage membership from all age groups, we place special emphasis on serving youth.
The South Bay Soaring Society is the oldest and one of the largest chapters of the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) devoted entirely to soaring. The SBSS has been responsible for the development of many of the existing AMA competition rules for R/C soaring, and founded the League of Silent Flight (LSF), an honorary group based upon the achievement of levels of proficiency, with over eighty thousand members world-wide.
The SBSS sponsors a wide range of activities for the R/C soaring enthusiast. Our goal is to have a minimum of nine contests presented each year by the club. The SBSS also promotes Scale model sailplanes, slope soaring and ALES TD activity. Fun Fly's, picnics, instructional workshops, and hands-on flying seminars are also activities that the club provides for its members. The SBSS also participates in demonstrations and shows for schools, public organizations, and business groups, including mall shows for the general public. We have raised money for many worthwhile charities and causes.
Two of the most important tasks of the SBSS are to represent the sport of R/C soaring to the public and secure flying sites for the club members. The SBSS has negotiated the use of slope and thermal soaring sites, including our slope site at Mission Peak in Fremont, Los Banos Creek Reservoir, Brigantino Park in Hollister..
Because every member of the SBSS must also be an AMA member, each member, and all of the club's activities, are covered by $2,500,000 of liability insurance (subject to the terms of the AMA policy). The South Bay Soaring Society provides instruction and help for beginners in building his/her new radio-controlled sailplane. A package, consisting of radio equipment, a sailplane kit, glue and covering material will be arranged with one of the local hobby shops to facilitate beginners to enter into the sport of R/C soaring economically. To ensure the success of the novice, club members are available to assist in every step of the process, from building through flying, and repair, if necessary.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the South Bay Soaring Society, please contact us by writing to us at P.O. Box 2012, Sunnyvale, CA 94087 or contact one of our club officers or member. You can also download and fill out the new member application form located below. Thank you for your interest and we hope that you will decide to join us and share the enjoyment in the exciting sport of R/C soaring.
New and Renewing membership form below.
South Bay Soaring Society
P. O. Box 2012
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
The Board Of Directors
SBSS Membership Application ; download first to print out.
January 2024 SBSS Meeting Recording
February 2024 SBSS Meeting Recording
March 2024 SBSS Meeting Recording
April 2024 SBSS Meeting Recording
May 2024 SBSS Meeting Recording
June 2024 SBSS Meeting Recording
July 2024 SBSS Meeting Recording
August 2024 SBSS Meeting Recording
September 2024 SBSS Meeting Recording